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Process control in a sentence

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Sentence count:172Posted:2018-08-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: access controlprocess schedulerprocess capabilityarms controlmicrocontrollerbrightness contrastcontrol programcentral processing unit
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151. This paper demonstrates the efficient method of process control based on the batch raw sugar crystallization mechanism model to improve the crystal rate , shorten the crystal time and the wastage.
152. A fast conditional breakpoint is considered to be an essential process control capability of advanced high-performance parallel debuggers.
153. The management process control system (MPCS) presented in this paper applies the ideology of workflow to the lower management supporting layer.
154. The gas nitriding process control systems are designed to provide a fully automatic operation. The entire nitriding process is executed in an automatic, self-adjusting and operator independent manner.
155. The Manufacturing Department is responsible to formulate the critical (special) process control card, to control the process, and to analyze the process quality.
156. Process simulation and process control are two important tools to improve performances in the alumina plants.
157. Process control block may contain the following information : process, and priority number, the arrival time, the running time, CPU time used, the process of the state and so on.
158. We will discuss the techniques or integrating data management with process control in the application system of FujianBighway Toll Gate Network Management System in this paper.
159. A method for velocity variation with variable frequency(VVVF) of an induction motor was developed in an industrial process control computer measuring system of automobile pump.
160. This paper presents an integration granularity based integration idea for process control system.sentence dictionary
161. In the industrial process control, there are different time - delays for controlled objects.
162. The control logic relation of all the station equipments can be divided into two stages. The bottom is a direct process control stage and the top is a compute supervisory control stage.
163. As the system controls is a typical process control and most steps are controlled in time order, so PLC-based distributed control method is suitable.
164. Kocour Company offers a complete selection of Hull Cells, accessories and related equipment to enable the plater to effectively use this plating process control method.
165. The method presented in the paper could provide references for enterprises' environment cost control through cost analysis, total process control based on environment cost affirming and cost account.
166. Welding control device adopts microcomputer for process control, arc striking, welding, arc extinguishing control, auto arc voltage control and auto tracking of welding seams.
167. While most of them could be defined as sections of existing RUP artifacts, they are kept separate to support auditable process control.
168. It is a combined outcome of calculation control information management, communication and pictorial display technology. It is a modernized equipment for process control and information management.
169. This thesis on 165MN press installation project quality, schedule, risk control, thus pointing out the general process of installing a large press, and the installation of process control.
170. From fossil fuel power generation to nuclear power plants, HOKE offers a full line of fluid process control components.
171. This article lists the theory of cost management; emphasize the focus from cost projections to cost adjustment, the cost of process control, cost accounting, and cost assessment.
172. Return to normal process control methods as described in the Control Plan.
More similar words: access controlprocess schedulerprocess capabilityarms controlmicrocontrollerbrightness contrastcontrol programcentral processing unitproduction controlconcurrent processingprocessin processprocessedreprocessprocessorbessemer processproduction processdue processpreprocessprocessingprocessionreproduction processcoprocessorprocess dataunprocessedcontrolreprocessingpeace processprocessionalin control
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